Israel’s fight against terror is ours, America is with you, US rep. Kustoff says

The United States Congress will make sure that Israel has all the tools necessary to defend itself because its battle against terror groups is also America’s battle, US Representative David Kustoff (R-TN) said in Jerusalem as Israel battles two Iranian proxy groups on its border.

“In your fight to eradicate Hamas and any other genocidal extremist group that threatens your way of life, America is with you all the way,” he said.

Kustoff spoke at a special event in the Knesset to mark the creation of the first-ever Knesset-House Parliamentary Friendship Group. 

He stood in the library flanked Israeli and American flags, in the presence of US Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew and Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana. 

No negotiations with terrorists

“We will not negotiate with radical terrorists,” Kustoff said. “We will not surrender to kill us, and we will not allow evil to prosper. This fight is not one to endure alone,” he said. 

US Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew. July 3, 2024. (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

“We will work together until we wipe terrorism off the face of the earth, and until Israel lives at peace with their neighbors,” Kustoff said.

“I will do everything in my power to make sure that Israel has the tools” that it “needs to defend herself and to destroy the forces” that seek to eradicate the values of the Western world, Kustoff explained.

The attacks by terror groups against Israel are also an assault on a “free and liberated society” and “a direct attack on morality, on truth, on reason, and on goodwill,” he stated.