Israeli reportedly detained in Beirut during stopover, released after 48 hours

Reports on Monday said an Israeli national was detained and questioned for two days in Lebanon after landing in Beirut for a connecting flight earlier this month.

The passenger, a businessman who also holds a French passport, was arrested upon arrival in Beirut, Channel 12 reported.

He was released two days later after intervention from other countries at the request of Israel, the report said.

According to Channel 12 and Lebanese news outlet Al-Akhbar, the man has ties to senior officials in Israel, which is affiliated with Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist group.

After his release, he was escorted out of Lebanon and warned not to set foot in any enemy territory, Channel 12 reported.

According to Al Akhbar’s report, the man’s original destination was Iraq.

The National Security Council responded to the incident by saying, “The arrival of Israelis, even if they hold foreign passports, in hostile countries where they are prohibited by law is extremely dangerous.”

“Access to these countries, including on connecting flights, is prohibited,” the council said, according to Walla News.

Under Israeli law, Lebanon is considered an enemy state and Israelis are prohibited from entering the country.

Israel does not have relations with Lebanon or Iraq, but Israel has contacts with the Autonomous Kurdistan Region in northern Iraq.

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