Israeli entrepreneur reaches Mount Everest peak, dedicates journey to Nova massacre victim

Israeli mountaineer Ran Kraus reached the summit of Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain on Tuesday, after months of training and a grueling six-week journey. 

“I dedicate this exciting moment to my late friend Matan Mordechai Lior, who was murdered cruelly in the Nova party,” said Kraus. 

Matan was murdered at the Nova festival while trying to help others escape. As a well-known figure in Israel’s music scene, Matan provided the amplification system, electrical infrastructure, and lighting for the festival. He remained on  site announcing directions towards emergency exits even as the gunmen were carrying out their murderous rampage, until he was eventually killed.

Kraus joined a small group of Israeli climbers who reached the top of Everest. After an intense six-week climbing journey, accompanied by eight other climbers from around the world, Ran Kraus reached the summit of Mount Everest Tuesday night. 

Kraus is the 11th Israeli to reach the peak of the mountain. 

Ran Kraus at the top of Mount Everest, May 25, 2024. (credit: Courtesy)

Kraus, a hi-tech entrepreneur, set out for Nepal at the beginning of April with the aim of conquering the famous summit, which reaches a height of 8,849 meters. Kraus is the President and Co-founder at Airobotics, a world leader in automated drones, according to his LinkedIn.

Preparations for the climb 

The preparations for the climb included not only physical training but also mental preparation for the high altitude. He also prepared for his climb by fueling his body with the correct nutrients. 

As part of his preparation and in order to simulate climbing Mount Everest at a height of 8,849 meters for about 8 weeks, Kraus trained and climbed a series of mountains in Israel including Mount Hermon and Masada.

A total of 6,000 individuals worldwide have reached the peak of Mount Everest. 

“It was a long and challenging journey unlike any other climb I’ve done in my life. After six challenging weeks, I succeeded in fulfilling the goal, the objective, and the dream, and standing on the highest peak in the world,” Kraus said in a statement after reaching the peak of the mountain.

He added, “I dedicate this exciting moment to my late friend Matan Mordechai Lior, who was brutally murdered at the Nova party on October 7, while bravely assisting many others and saving many lives. My personal victory is another victory for the human spirit and the Israeli spirit. I thank Geely and Harel as sponsors, and everyone who accompanied me during the past two years of preparation.”

After 12 years of work in hi-tech, Kraus decided in 2020 to embark on a journey to conquer the seven highest peaks on each continent. Kraus climbed the peaks of Kilimanjaro in Africa, Elbrus in Russia, and Aconcagua in Argentina, before reaching the peak of Mount Everest.