Israel mocks fake report of attack on Gassy Mossad agent

It turns out it was all just a little warm air.

Several Iranian news outlets reported on Thursday the death of a Mossad member in a drone strike in Iraq.

the only problem? The person in question was given the name “Asa Floats”, which translates as “she farted” in Hebrew. Many outlets quickly realized the joke was on them, but others continued To report news till Thursday evening.

It is unclear where the fake name originated, and some outlets have identified the man as Ila Ron, implying nothing scatological or otherwise.

Several outlets cited the tweet as deleted by Twitter account Intelsky, which later apologized for sharing the misinformation.

“Despite the wrong names some famous channel correspondents told me about the Erbil drone attack,” account written Thursday evening. “An Iranian source told me that no Mossad leader was killed last night. I apologise!”

Despite the name of the joke, many shops In Israel Also picked up on Iranian chatter, detailing unconfirmed reports of a Mossad agent targeted in the attack.

The suicide drone attack occurred late Wednesday on a street outside Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan, not far from the consulate of the United Arab Emirates and a mission being built by the US. three people Was informed Hurt.

The strike is reminiscent of an attack in March that hit a villa near Erbil, which Iran later claimed was used as a Mossad training base, possibly inspiring clowns. .

The viral slipup provided enough fuel for memes throughout Thursday, as satirists on social media had gas.

“We would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of Asa Flotz.” tweeted Fake Mossad satirical account. “Like a wave in the wind, you’re gone too quickly. We cut our horns in your honor. Let us all remember him as ‘sniff later’.”

“Asa Floats was quite a spy,” wrote Another Twitter user. “They say he was silent but deadly.”

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