Israel doubled attacks on Iran to combat secret sea war, Gallant reveals

Defense Minister Yoav Galant said Monday that he has “doubled down on attacks on Iran in Syria” during his several months in office.

speaking from Reichman University At the Herzliya conference, Gallant also revealed Tehran’s secret maritime war against Israel, presenting new photographic evidence of five different ships it was using to set up another front against the Jewish state.

Raksha Mantri presented a series of photographs of ships: Shaheed Siyavashi, Shaheed Rudaki, Makran, Shaheed Mahadavi and Shaheed Bagheri, as examples The Islamic Republic’s attempt to spread its net To establish new frontiers in the Middle East, particularly against Israel.

With regard to Syria, he warned that the restoration of Bashar Assad’s regime to the Arab League would “give no immunity to the Iranian delegates.”

Iran’s ‘floating terrorist base’ poses a threat to the country

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant attend an event for outstanding soldiers as part of Israel’s 75th Independence Day celebrations at the presidential residence in Jerusalem on April 26, 2023 (Credit: Yonatan Sindel / Flash 90) )

Addressing the nuclear issue, Gallant said Iran would pay a “severe price” if it decided to “enrich”. [uranium] up to 90%. He added that “Israel has dealt with complex threats since its inception,” but now Iran is trying to combine all the different fronts against Israel.

“Iran is the biggest threat to the stability of the region and the world. it is prosecute a war of attrition against Israel. He wants to open a new Hezbollah front on the Golan Heights as he has done in South Lebanon,” he said.