Israel begins 4th dose of vaccine – Times of India

Jerusalem: Israel has begun to deliver fourth vaccine dose for the weakest coronavirusbecame one of the first countries to do so, as it prepares for a wave of infections driven by omicron version,
Israel, which led a world-beating vaccination program in 2020, will administer the fourth dose of the vaccine to individuals with weakened immune systems and to elderly residents and staff in care homes.
The rollout of the fourth dose began Friday morning at Israel’s Sheba Medical Center and is administered to heart and lung transplant patients.
The country is currently experiencing a new wave of communicable infections omicron Type. 4,085 new cases were reported on Thursday, the highest daily number of infections seen in Israel since the end of September.
In response, Israel introduced new restrictions late Thursday to curb rising infection rates. new years eve celebration, These include a green pass, given to fully vaccinated individuals or who have recently recovered from the coronavirus, for outdoor events of more than 100 people and mandatory for outdoor events of more than 50 people. Wearing a mask from
Israel, a country of 9.3 million people, has reported 8,243 deaths from the coronavirus since the start of the pandemic. Most of its population – more than 6.5 million people – have received at least one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, and more than 4.2 million Israelis have received two doses and a booster.
