Ishaan Khatter to star in Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence’s Don’t Look Up

Bollywood actor Ishaan Khatter

According to a recent report, Shahid Kapoor’s half-brother Ishaan Khatter will be seen in Don’t Look Up for 10 seconds but it is a ‘fun cameo’.

  • Last Update:December 23, 2021, 3:16 pm IS
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After Priyanka Chopra and Purab Kohli’s appearance in The Matrix Resurrection, looks like another Bollywood actor will be featured in a Hollywood production. If a report in Bollywood Hungama is to be believed, Shahid Kapoor’s half-brother Ishaan Khatter will be seen in Netflix’s upcoming film Don’t Look Up. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence, it will stream on the OTT platform from December 24.

According to a source quoted by the publication, the actor will work for 10 seconds, but it is a fun cameo. “He is barely there for about 10 seconds. Still, it is a fun cameo and will definitely be seen and loved by the audience. It also comes on suddenly and hence, will pleasantly surprise the audience in India.”

Don’t Look Up is a science-fiction story that revolves around two astronomers (Lawrence and DiCaprio) who discover an observation that is approaching Earth and has the potential to destroy it. It also stars Meryl Streep, Jonah Hill, Rob Morgan, Mark Rylance, Timothée Chalamet, Ariana Grande as herself and others. Indian-origin actor Himesh Patel is also a part of the film.

According to IMDb, Ishaan’s character’s name is Raghav Manavalan.

Although before this, Ishaan has been seen in international projects. He debuted in Beyond the Clouds directed by Iranian director Majid Majidi and was also a part of Mira Nair’s A Suitable Boy. Meanwhile, her upcoming Bollywood movies are Phone Bhoot and Pippa.

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