Is acidity bothering you? Here is the diet plan for your acidity problem

Acidity is a very common digestive problem among people and can happen to anyone. And as common as it may be, sometimes it also takes the form of stomach disease. The main reason for such digestive problems can be the consumption of hot or fried food in large quantities.

Today we tell you about the foods that will help you to eliminate the problem of acidity and to do this you should avoid hot and highly fiery foods and follow a proper diet.


Banana is one of the healthiest fruits for the human body. It is rich in calcium and iron. Stomach problems can be easily overcome by consuming bananas. It is rich in antioxidants and nutrients like potassium which helps in reducing acid reflux. Banana also produces mucus on the stomach lining, which lowers the pH level. Banana contains a lot of fiber which controls acidity.


Watermelon is the richest source of water. It easily compensates for the lack of water in the human body. Consumption of watermelon keeps the problem of gas formation in the stomach away. This fruit also contains a lot of fiber which helps in your digestion. Proper digestion of food helps to eliminate the problem of gas in the stomach. If you are a patient of acidity then you must eat watermelon.


Cucumber keeps the stomach cool throughout the day. It contains plenty of water and hence hydrates the body well. The problem of dehydration will go away by eating cucumber in the summer days. It reduces acid reflux which prevents acidity and gas.

coconut water

People who habitually consume tea or coffee in the morning, they start having problems of gas and acidity. It is highly advised for them that they must drink coconut water. Drinking coconut water early in the morning detoxifies the body. It is rich in fiber and antioxidants which keep the body’s digestion in good shape.

drink a glass of cold milk everyday

By consuming at least one glass of milk, bones become strong and stomach diseases are also cured. Drinking a glass of cold milk in the morning will not cause burning in the stomach. It also controls appetite as well as keeps the stomach cool throughout the day. By drinking a glass of cold milk, the problem of acidity and gas will end in no time.

(Disclaimer: The information given in this article is based on general information. News18 does not confirm the same. Before applying these, please contact the relevant expert.)

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