Iran’s Khamenei: Western culture and Gaza ‘genocide’ killed Aaron Bushnell

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei weighed in with his opinion on the recent self-immolation of US Serviceman Aaaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC on Sunday.

Bushnell, who served in the US Air Force, was seen in a video of the event pouring gasoline on himself before lighting himself on fire in protest of what he called a “genocide” against Palestinians in Gaza.

He could be heard shouting, “Free Palestine,” as he was engulfed in flames.

Now, Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei has tweeted his support for the deceased serviceman, writing on his X account, “The West’s disgraceful antihuman policies with regard to the genocide in Gaza have reached such a point that a US military officer sets himself on fire. #AaronBushnell”

He followed this post a few hours later with a second post reading, “The genocide in Gaza is even too much for that young person who was brought up in the Western culture. His conscience was hurting, and he set himself on fire. #AaronBushnell”

Khamenei’s campaign against the West

Khamenei has repeatedly attacked Western culture in the past few months of the West’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas. Iran has financed and armed Hamas and Israel’s northern enemy, Hezbollah, for years as part of its proxy scheme to sow chaos in the Middle East and help destroy the Jewish State. 

After Bushnell’s death, Iranian state media eulogized the 25-year-old and sought to exploit his death as part of a propaganda war against the West.

Iran’s Press TV put out an image of Bushnell on X and noted that “Aaron Bushnell, an active-duty member of the US Air Force, set himself on fire outside the embassy of the Israeli regime in protest against the campaign of death and destruction in Gaza. He died Saturday night, US officials say.” They then added a hashtag with his name on it. Press TV also created an image of the airman, citing his plan to engage in an “extreme act of protest.”

The Iranian regime posted this in English, as opposed to Farsi, to help spread further discontent around Israel’s war in Gaza.

Seth Frantzman contributed to this report.