Iran warns of ‘foreign influence’ in Hebrew amid Azerbaijan tensions

Ali Shamkhani, secretary of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council, warned Iran’s neighbors against “foreign influence” in a tweet published in Persian, Arabic, English and Hebrew on Saturday. increased tension with Azerbaijan.

“Mighty Iran has always been generous to its neighbors and has never been a threat to them,” Shamkhani wrote on Twitter. “Problems will be resolved with the cooperation of all countries in the region. Any foreign influence is pointless, so we call on neighbors to be vigilant in this regard and stay away from them.”

The statement comes amid heightened tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan, when Azerbaijan began targeting Iranian trucks with fines and arrests, and Iran moved military forces along its border with Azerbaijan and near its borders. Warned against Israeli influence.

According to RFE/RL, Iranian trucks were fined and at least two were arrested as they traveled on a road between the Armenian cities of Kapan and Goris, partly covered by Nagorno-Karabakh last year. After the war passes through the territory ceded to Azerbaijan. The highway, patrolled by Russian peacekeepers, is Armenia’s only link to Iran.

Tensions also escalated due to recent joint military exercises conducted by Azerbaijan and Turkey in the Caspian Sea, with the Iranian foreign ministry warning that such exercises violated international conventions that govern the five states bordering the sea. countries impose restrictions on the military presence.

    The The “Conquerors of Khyber” exercise conducted by Iran near the border with Azerbaijan(Credit: MEHR News Agency)

On Friday, Iran launched “Conquerors of Khyber” in northwestern Iran near the border with Azerbaijan. According to the Fars News Agency, the commander of the Iranian Army’s Ground Forces, Qiymar Heydri, said the exercises were being conducted to test weapons and equipment and to assess the preparedness of the armed forces in any area and along Iran’s borders.

The practice’s name, “conquerors of Khyber”, may be a reference to the Battle of Khyber, in which Muslims led by Muhammad fought against the Jews in Khyber, eventually defeating them and taxing them.

Iranian officials have insisted that the exercise is meant to “send a message” to Israel and ISIS, warning that Iran will take any action necessary to defend its borders.

In an interview with the Turkish Anadolu Agency on Tuesday, Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev expressed surprise at Iran’s decision to hold a military exercise on its border, saying it was the first time in Azerbaijan’s 30-year history of independence.

While Aliyev acknowledged that each country has a sovereign right to conduct military exercises on its territory, he questioned why Iran chose this specific time to do so. The president stressed that he “does not want to see a single fact undermine long-term cooperation in this area” and hopes the “emotional response” to Azerbaijan’s “legitimate move” is temporary.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdullahian warned Azerbaijan on Saturday that Iran will “never tolerate the presence of a fake Zionist regime and its provocative actions near the border with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the geopolitical change of the region and its borders.” And we have serious defenses against it.”

Amir-Abdullahian insisted that political ties between the two countries were “strong and growing”, but added that “bad things happened” and that terrorist movements entered the Karabakh region during the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan last year.

The foreign minister claimed that Israel tried to “make the most of this opportunity” in an effort to get closer to Iran’s borders and was present in Azerbaijan, claiming that “the dirty games and hands of Zionists and terrorists” absolutely was clear in the country. “We are really concerned that in the not too distant future they will cause problems for the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan,” said Amir-Abdullahian.

Former Iranian diplomat Amir Mousavi claimed there were 1,000 Israeli henchmen and 1,800 ISIS henchmen in Azerbaijan in an interview with Hezbollah-affiliated al-Mayadeen news on Saturday. Mousavi said Iran had deployed its forces along its border with Azerbaijan to warn the country not to “play with fire”.

Mousavi also claimed that Israelis with advanced equipment in Azerbaijan played a role in the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Abbas Mousavi expressed outrage at Iranian media on Saturday after a protest was held in front of the Iranian embassy in Azerbaijan’s capital Baku, and the molasses used for cleaning after using the toilet, Iranian The colors of the flag were placed next to the embassy.

An article on the website of Iran’s state broadcaster IRIB stressed that Iran considers it its right to confront terrorism and security threats and warned that attacks, such as rocket and artillery strikes, that the article says Iran against “counter-revolutionary groups and the Mossad”. In Erbil, Iraq, will continue if necessary.

Saudi newspaper elaf It was reported on Saturday that a senior Israeli source had informed him that an Israeli security delegation had gone to offer advice and support to the Azerbaijan government amid the ongoing tensions with Iran.

the source told elaf That Israel reassured Azerbaijan that it would stand by it and provide all possible assistance, including participating technically and by air, to prevent any attacks launched against Azerbaijan by Iran.

an opinion piece published in Kahani, a newspaper affiliated with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei warned against an alleged “invisible alliance” between the US, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Israel, saying it would have a “major influence” on the political weight of Iran and Russia in the region. may fall. .

The author of the article warned that Turkey and Azerbaijan should be aware that “Iran may regretfully thwart the conspiracy planned for them.”

Azerbaijan and Israel have close ties, with the President of Azerbaijan saying in a discussion with the Nizami Ganjavi International Center in May that relations with Israel were very diverse and were particularly strong in the defense industry. “It is no secret that Azerbaijan has full access to the products of the Israeli defense industry,” Aliyev said at the time.

Israeli weapons, including the LORA missile and the Israel Aerospace Industries’ (IAI) Harop suicide drone, were reportedly used by Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh war with Armenia last year.