Iran warns Israel against ‘military adventure’ in letter to UN

TEHRAN, Iran – Iran warned Israel in a letter to the head of the UN Security Council on Thursday against any attacks on its nuclear facilities after Jerusalem declared the right to use force.

“We warn the Zionist regime against any miscalculations or military adventures targeting Iran and its nuclear program,” wrote Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations, Majid Takht Ravanchi, in a letter published by the Tasnim news agency.

He accused Israel of taking its “provocative and bold threats … to dangerous levels” and said that “the systematic and clear threats by the Zionist regime … prove that it is responsible for terrorist attacks.” [Iran’s] peaceful nuclear program in the past.”

Speaking with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday, Secretary of State Yair Lapid said Israel “reserves rights”. use force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

“If diplomacy fails, other options will be on the table,” Lapid said. “By saying the other options, I think everyone understands – here, in Israel, in the Emirates and in Tehran – what we mean.”

He added that, as the sons of Holocaust survivors, he and Blinken both “know that there are moments when nations must use force to save the world from evil.”

Secretary of State Yair Lapid (R) calls on US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on October 13, 2021. (Shlomi Amslem / GPO)

In his own remarks, Blinken said: “We believe that diplomacy is the most effective method,” but added: “We are prepared to turn to other options if Iran does not change course.”

The remarks come amid a push between Iran and major powers to resume talks to revive the turbulent nuclear deal, which has been on life support since 2018, when then-US President Donald Trump unilaterally handed was pulled.

“With each passing day and Iran’s refusal to engage in good faith, the runway gets shorter,” Blinken said. “Time is running out. We are approaching the point where returning to compliance with the JCPOA will not in itself take away the benefits of the JCPOA.

US President Joe Biden, who took office in January, signaled a willingness to return to the 2015 accord, which gave Iran economic sanctions relief in exchange for clear limits on its nuclear activities. Israel has been strongly opposed to its revival.

Enrique Mora, the EU envoy charged with coordinating negotiations on the deal, met with Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri in Tehran on Thursday.

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