Iran should pay families over plane shooting: Canadian court – Times of India

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates: A Canadian court has ruled that Iran should pay about $84 million in punitive damages to the families of six people with Canadian citizenship or residency who could fly a Ukrainian passenger plane to Iranian in 2020. He was killed in a gunfight by the army. Press reported.
army firing Ukraine International Airlines All 176 people on board the flight PS752 with two surface-to-air missiles were killed. More than 100 of the Iranian victims had Canadian citizenship or residency, leading some of the victims’ families to sued Iran in the Canadian Civil Court.
Last year, Ontario Superior Court ruled that the downing of a passenger plane by the Iranian military was an “act of terrorism”, allowing families to bypass Iran’s legal immunity and seek compensation for their losses. Foreign nations are generally exempt from lawsuits in Canadian courts.
In the decision made public on Monday, Justice edward belobaba As reported by the Canadian Press, a total of 107 million Canadian dollars _ $7 million Canadian dollars were awarded in compensatory damages on top of $100 million Canadian dollars as punitive damages to the families that started the lawsuit in Ontario.
“This court understands very well that damages award is a poor choice for the lives of those who were lost,” Beloba said in the December 31 ruling.
It is not clear how exactly the families will recover damages from Iran. But holds symbolic significance for ruling families who have complained about the lack of transparency and accountability in Iran’s own military investigations and the inability to get justice in Iran.
The Canadian Press cited a statement from the families’ lawyers who described the court’s decision as “unprecedented in Canadian law”.
The accident occurred in early January 2020 when Washington and Tehran were at the start of the war. Hours before the shootout, Iran fired ballistic missiles at US bases in Iraq in response to a US drone strike that killed a top Iranian general. Qasim Sulemani in Baghdad.
Iran’s paramilitary forces after days of denial revolutionary guard Downing publicly apologized and blamed it on an air defense operator who officials said mistook the Boeing 737-800 for an American cruise missile.
