Interpol gets new president: UAE’s Ahmed Nasir to be Interpol chief; Special Director of CBI Praveen Sinha included in the Executive Committee

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Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will be the new Chief of Interpol. He will remain in this position for four years. On Thursday, Nasser was elected Interpol President at a meeting of 140 Interpol member states in Istanbul, Turkey. He defeated Colonel Sakara Hervenkova of the Czech Republic.

CBI Special Director Praveen Sinha has been included in the Executive Committee (Asia) of the International Criminal Police Organization. According to the news agency, Sinha’s selection is a big success, as officials from China, Singapore, Jordan and South Korea were also involved in this race. All the friendly countries of India supported Sinha. India’s ambassador in Turkey was constantly trying for Sinha.

Raisi is posted in the Home Ministry
Dr Ahmed Nasir Al Raisi is currently the Inspector General of the UAE Home Ministry. He is considered a strict administrator, he has also been in the country’s Intelligence Department. Interpol was formed in 1920. Since then, this is the first time that an officer from the Middle East has become the chief of Interpol.

Anwar Saeed, Diplomatic Advisor to the President of the UAE, Sheikh Khalifa, said – We congratulate Raisi for being elected on this. He is a very capable officer and his election shows how good officers of law are in the UAE.

UAE's Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi will be the new chief of Interpol.  (file)

UAE’s Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi will be the new chief of Interpol. (file)

focus on technology
Naseer is considered an officer who believes in modern technology and promotes it. Recently, in an article written in a newspaper, Raisi had said – The mode of crime has changed rapidly. We have to use the latest technology to overcome this. Now there is a need for big and quick changes in Interpol. Interpol cannot stay in the middle, it has to adapt itself to the changing times. For this it is also necessary that there should be mutual cooperation among its member countries. Interpol’s budget is $150 million.

drug smuggling big challenge
Interpol itself does not arrest any criminal. In contact with it, the agencies of the member countries which carry out many missions. It is with their cooperation that action is taken on human trafficking, global drugs racket and economic crimes. Recently, Interpol had arrested 286 criminals related to human trafficking in Abu Dhabi.

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