International Yoga Day: 4 Asanas to Improve Eyesight

Chakrasana is a backbend which is also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana.

Chakrasana is a backbend which is also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana.

These yoga asanas lower blood pressure and improve the function of the optic nerves.

Working on computers and using digital devices throughout the day puts a lot of pressure on our eyes. One of our most important senses is vision and it is important that we take every precaution to protect our eyes.

By making certain lifestyle changes it is possible to reduce the chances of vision loss along with preventing eye diseases like cataract and glaucoma. One way to protect your eyes is through proper yoga practice. Here are some yoga postures that can help you protect your eyes.


Chakrasana is a backbend which is also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana. In this posture, it is slanting upwards like a wheel. This asana puts pressure on the eyes and also improves vision. With regular practice of Chakrasana, eyesight remains intact till old age.


Halasana calms and heals the entire nervous system of the body. It aids in the regulation of hormone release from the glands. Halasan can specifically regulate the excretion of hormones such as thyroxine and adrenaline. The practice of Halasana has a positive effect on the eyes. It stimulates blood flow to the muscles around the eyes and face. This helps a lot in increasing the eyesight.


Bakasana is a Hatha yoga position of intermediate or basic difficulty phase that should be practiced for no more than 30 to 60 seconds at a time. Regular practice of this asana helps in maintaining excellent vision.


Sarvangasana is a hatha yoga pose. It is classified as an asana of medium difficulty or intermediate level. This is reported to take between 30 and 60 seconds. After Sarvangasana, there is an improvement in eyesight by increasing the amount of blood in the brain.

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