International Women’s Day 2023: Gender Inclusivity Is The Need Of The Hour

In today’s world, gender inclusivity is an issue that needs urgent attention. With a growing awareness of the diversity and complexity of gender identity, it is no longer sufficient to view the world in a binary manner, where individuals are simply classified as male or female. The need of the hour is to create an environment that welcomes and accepts all gender identities, and that provides equal opportunities to all, regardless of their gender. Let’s explore the importance of gender inclusivity and the ways individuals and organizations are working towards achieving it with these women entrepreneurs.

Parul Vahanvati, CXO, Rayden Interactive

Statistics around the world show that there is a huge gap in appointments, promotions and salaries given to men as compared to women. Physically and mentally, men and women are different, but they are both equally capable, and deserve equal opportunities at the workplace and in their personal lives.

Gender equality is the first step to gender equality. Much of the talk about inclusive work opportunities and culture stems from misconceptions of equality and breaking down bastions of patriarchy. To me, inclusivity means having the choice to pursue a passion or passion in a career of your choice. And inclusivity starts at home, in our own mindset.

So if your daughter wakes up tomorrow and tells you that she wants to be an Amazon delivery agent or a petrol pump attendant or an IPS officer when she grows up, the only thing left to say wholeheartedly is “I support you!”

Puja Issar, Managing Director, AnitaB.Org India

Empowering women is more than just a responsibility; It is a moral inspiration for a better and more inclusive world. This International Women’s Day, let us celebrate the incredible women who are breaking barriers and innovating in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), despite inherent gender bias and discrimination.

As we celebrate their achievements and strengths, we must also work toward creating more inclusive and diverse STEM communities that break down barriers and provide support to aspiring young women. Let us also challenge the stereotypes that often hold women back in STEM and advocate for equal opportunity, pay, and representation. By promoting gender diversity, we can unlock new perspectives that drive innovation and solve some of the world’s most pressing issues. Because when women succeed, we all succeed.

Chaitali Pishay Roy, Founder, CPR Consultants

Women have always been naturally shy and introverted when it comes to putting themselves out there and being considered a leader. As a woman entrepreneur, I can feel and understand the needs of women leaders and relate to the constraints and problems faced by them. My firm CPR provides reputation management and PR services making it accessible to clients beyond metro cities. There is also phenomenal work being done in Tier 2 and 3 cities of India, and we want to help bring their stories to the forefront, get them told, and help fuel their entrepreneurial journey Are.

We have worked and continue to work with brilliant women entrepreneurs who have done tremendous work in traditionally male-dominated spaces such as business consulting, alco-beverage companies, D2C brands and more. These women leaders are not only breaking down traditional barriers by running successful businesses but also empowering many other women by giving them jobs. It gives me great satisfaction to help bring such stories of grit, determination and success from women entrepreneurs to the platform they need and deserve.

Read also: International Women’s Day 2023: Women entrepreneurs paving the way for New India

Aditi Agarwal, Founder & CEO, PinkApprons

As a female entrepreneur, I firmly believe that gender inclusivity is critical to the growth and success of businesses. Women bring a unique perspective and skill set to the table that can be of great benefit to any organization. By creating a culture that values ​​diversity and inclusivity, businesses can tap into a broader talent pool and increase innovation and creativity.

Furthermore, gender inclusivity is not only the right thing to do, but also the smart thing to do. Studies have shown that diverse teams lead to better decision making and better financial performance. By embracing gender inclusivity, businesses can gain a competitive advantage and attract a wider customer base that values ​​diversity and social responsibility.

Gender inclusivity is not only a moral imperative, but also a business imperative. As women entrepreneurs, we must continue to advocate for equal representation and opportunities for all genders in the workplace to create a more equal and prosperous future for all.

Anushree Jain, Co-Founder, SocialTAG

“While 83% of influencer marketing includes female creators, men still earn 30% more than them per post. Female dominance isn’t a risk, but the growing pay gap certainly is. Even in the 21st century, we are still miles away from gender equality, and it is desperately needed.

Gender Inclusivity:

  1. Allows creators from diverse backgrounds to showcase their talents and perspectives, thus enriching the content available on the digital platform.
  2. Ensures all genders have equal opportunity to create and monetize content
  3. Allows creators to reach a wider audience and increase their marketing potential.
  4. Allows creators with different gender identities to come together, creating new and exciting content.

Gender inclusivity is a social responsibility that creators and platforms have towards their audiences. By promoting gender inclusivity, creators and platforms can create a safe and inclusive space for their audiences and contribute to a more diverse and equitable society.”

Deepali Padia, President, Banking Alliance & Partnership, Neocred

Everyone strives for recognition of their work and existence, both professionally and personally. When we tap into the myriad of possibilities through the acceptance, creativity, and innovation demonstrated by each individual, we enable a pool of extraordinary changes that result in quantum achievements. The easiest way to achieve this is also through ‘gender inclusion’. It can bring legendary and philanthropic milestones around the world.

We have seen so far how Western and European countries have greatly benefited from placing women in commanding positions, from Sheryl Sandberg (former COO META) to Jacinda Ardern (former NZ PM) and Angela Merkel (Germany) . She has single-handedly and consistently used her professional positions to reduce non-inclusivity, thereby demonstrating that women are also positive trend setters and are equally capable of excelling from commanding positions across industries. When opportunity meets talent, that desired magic is constantly there to see.

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