International Mountain Day 2021: What is International Mountain Day and why it is celebrated

International Mountain Day 2021: The serenity of the mountains is something that is loved by everyone. Every year on 11th December, International Mountain Day is celebrated across the world. The day is celebrated to discuss the development of mountainous regions around the world.

Surrounded by snow-capped mountains and beautiful valleys and forest areas, nature is a priceless gift and it is our responsibility to preserve them. Actually India is the land of mountains and all the mountains here are special in themselves. They are home to various animals and birds and many people also spend their lives in the mountains. Conservation of mountains is important not only for the environment but also for mankind.

Why is International Mountain Day celebrated?

There are many reasons to celebrate International Day of the Mountains today. Actually, on the pretext of this day, people remember the role of mountains in the world and make others aware. On this day they work to understand or explain the role of mountains in the world and their impact on life. The United Nations General Assembly declared 2002 as the United Nations International Year of Mountains and resolved to observe International Mountain Day from 11 December 2003.

Today every year many people from different countries come forward for the protection of the mountains. Apart from this, every year a theme for mountains is also decided by the United Nations General Assembly on this day, on which different countries work.

How is International Mountain Day celebrated?

This day is very special for people living in hilly areas. On this day many competitions are organized on different forums to make the people living there aware and talk about maximum mountains. On this day people also share their travel experiences with each other.
