Innocent Kilkari scorched in terrorist fire: 2-year-old Veer slept hungry, mother had gone to make chips of his choice, only then the grenade exploded and the innocent remained asleep

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  • J&K Rajouri Grenade Attack Latest Update; 3-year-old child murdered at BJP leader’s house

Rajouri3 hours agoAuthor: Ankush Singh Jamwal

Terrorists carried out a grenade attack at the house of BJP leader Jasbir Singh in Rajouri on Thursday night. Jasbir and his 4 family members are seriously injured in this attack. The saddest thing is that 2 year old Veer Singh lost his life in this attack. Veer was the nephew of Jasbir. Jasbir, who is hospitalized, does not yet know that Veer is no longer in the world. Veer’s mother Swarna Devi has lost her senses and is unable to speak. Hear the story of Veer from this family of Rajouri, who is in pain…

When Bhaskar reached Jasbir’s house, the family members were sitting around the body of little Veer. Everywhere there was a shadow of hiss and sorrow. The aunt was screaming and asking everyone what was the fault of her beloved. Everyone was saying – Veer was hungry, mother had gone to make potato chips of his choice. He was attacked before he could pick up and feed his son. Our beloved was sleeping, kept on sleeping.. now slept forever.

The aunt cried and said, ‘Justice to my brother, to my family. If these were traitorous men, why would they strike from the front, dagger behind the back? These people destroyed my family. The child was sieved, he died right here. What was the enmity with my child? God will do justice, we have lost our child.

Jasbir’s brother Balbir Singh says that security should be increased. There should also be an inquiry as to how much security was there at the time of the attack.

On the other hand, injured Jasbir said that only a local has a hand in this attack. The shop from where the terrorists reached the grenade should also be investigated. I have worked for the good of the people and my suspicion is on those who were jealous of my work.

This picture of Veer is from a few days ago, when he was having fun with the family.

This picture of Veer is from a few days ago, when he was having fun with the family.

Innocent Veer with mother.  Now the mother has lost her sense of humor after the son's departure.

Innocent Veer with mother. Now the mother has lost her sense of humor after the son’s departure.

This photo of Veer is from when Jasbir's family went on a picnic.

This photo of Veer is from when Jasbir’s family went on a picnic.

Veer on the occasion of his second birthday.

Veer on the occasion of his second birthday.

Mother cannot believe that Lal, who was playing goose till yesterday, has become silent today forever.

Mother cannot believe that Lal, who was playing goose till yesterday, has become silent today forever.

This photo is enough to tell the truth of the valley that the fire of terror is taking the lives of the innocent and the innocent.

This photo is enough to tell the truth of the valley that the fire of terror is taking the lives of the innocent and the innocent.

Veer Singh's grandfather, who is in a rut.  He says what was the fault of his grandson.

Veer Singh’s grandfather, who is in a rut. He says what was the fault of his grandson.

5 people seriously injured in grenade attack
According to the police, the terrorists attacked when Jasbir Singh was sitting with his family. Apart from Jasbir, Arjun Singh, Jasbir’s mother Siya Devi, brother Balbir and his son Karan Singh were injured in the attack. 2 year old Veer Singh could not be saved.

After the attack on the house of BJP’s Mandal President Jasbir Singh in Khandli area, the area has been completely sealed. Earlier in the day on Thursday, terrorists also attacked a BSF convoy in Kulgam.

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