Initiatives to bring equality at home: Men and youth will be trained in cooking tasks, curriculum will be changed to create awareness in Kerala

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  • Men and youth to be trained in cooking, curriculum to be changed to create awareness in Kerala

Kochione day beforeAuthor: Babu K Peter

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There are also plans to change school and college curricula to create awareness about gender equality.  - Dainik Bhaskar

There are also plans to change school and college curricula to create awareness about gender equality.

For the first time in the country, men will soon be seen taking training in cooking, polishing utensils and keeping the house neatly in the kitchens of Kerala homes. That is, household chores will no longer be the responsibility of women only. This is an important part of the ambitious scheme ‘Smart Kitchen Project’ of the Government of Kerala.

With the aim of giving equal responsibility to men and young boys with women in household chores and giving comfort to women, the state government included it in the project. The government has also fixed a fund of Rs 5 crore for its first phase. Under this project, cooking training will be given to the men of the house through expert chefs. Along with this, they will also be taught how to keep utensils clean and make a home with the kitchen.

Through the government’s own educational satellite channel, children will also be connected to classes to teach cooking. The motto of this initiative has also been kept interesting ‘Participatory Cooking, Interesting Cooking’. Prizes will also be given to the best performing children in cooking.

Apart from this, changes are also planned in school and college curriculum to bring awareness about gender equality. Subjects related to these will be included in the syllabus. However, the implementation of this project was to start from the month of July. But it got delayed due to Corona.

Thereafter, the government formed a high level committee of departmental secretary levels to update the project. Changes have been made on its suggestions. The committee has also been entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring the project and monitoring the expenditure. This scheme is being launched under the leadership of Kerala State Financial Enterprises.

Loan will also be available in the scheme for home appliances
Under this project, loans will also be available from the government to buy household appliances and utensils. Interest will also not be charged from the weaker sections. This loan will be given in the joint name of husband and wife. The payback period will be one to five years. The objective behind this is that government intervention in the home appliance market will check the arbitrariness of private sector lenders, as they charge higher rates of interest.

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