Infosys: Income Tax Portal In Much Better Position | Business – Times of India

Bengaluru: After a thorough investigation of technical glitches in the Income Tax e-filing portal, Infosys Some concerns have been resolved. The company said on Thursday that more than 1.5 crore returns have been filed so far. It said that over three crore taxpayers have successfully completed various transactions on the portal. It said that on an average over 15 lakh specific taxpayers logged into the portal daily in September.
But the company acknowledged that some users are facing difficulties and said it is working expeditiously in collaboration with the Income Tax Department to resolve those issues. More than 85% of the taxpayers who have filed their returns have also completed their e-verification, mainly Aadhaar OTP authentication. Infosys said the portal is facilitating filing of over 2.5 lakh returns per day and ITR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 are now available for filing. Many statutory forms are also made available online.
He said, ‘Infosys has made a comeback compared to where it was. The basic forms of ITR 1, 2, 3 and 4 are fine, but the later forms will have to be put to practical use for us to understand how they work,” S said Sundar Raman, a Chartered Accountant (CA) and a member of the 10-member committee of the Finance Ministry have been mandated to comprehensively review the portal and share observations and feedback on a daily basis.
Sundar Raman said that integration testing did not produce the best results for all features and functionalities. Advanced systems include major technology changes in an effort to automate more tasks. For ITR Utilities, Programming Language Java was replaced by JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). “JSON is a lighter version and it enhances the processing speed. The new upgrade was made with a view to automate many tasks. If you pay an insurance premium of more than Rs 2 lakh and if you have Rs 2 lakh with you In case of any mutual fund of more than Rs. fails to do so, it triggers a notice. Earlier, Infosys had done a lot of processing at the Central Processing Center in Bengaluru, while the software for filing returns was designed by TCS. Making it a seamless platform They changed the platform, compatible files and workflows, and it has insufficient mapping,” said Sundar Raman.
He said that an assessee who makes overseas payment and who needs a certificate from CA regarding TDS eligibility and who then needs to visit the bank, the process is still not smooth.
Other sources also said that integration testing did not produce the best results. “The architecture is built on microservices and some APIs (application programming interfaces that allow microservices to talk to each other) are not compatible. Some of them are provided by the Income Tax Department to work synchronously with the new program. When the APIs are not ready, a developer stub (temporary piece of code) is used until they get the API. But it may not be optimal,” a source said. he said.
