Industries, caterers engaging minors in hazardous works to face action | Nagpur News – Times of India

Nagpur: The state labor commission unit in Nagpur would initiate action against employers engaging minors in hazardous works, including catering services at weddings. The focus would be also on the industrial sector.
According to assistant commissioner of labour, Rajdeep Dhurve a letter warning all industries and caterers will be issued to ensure they do not violate provisions under the Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016. “We want to appeal to the management of factories , industries and such places to refrain from using child labour, especially in any work which can be categorized as hazardous,” said Dhurve who wants to undertake a stringent drive under additional labor commissioner Nitin Patankar.
Dhurve said he would also send notices to caterers to alert them against engaging minors in work for long hours or in a manner which can be dangerous to their health and safety. “In December last year an FIR was filed after finding minors engaged in hazardous works,” said Dhurve.
The state labor commission aims to activate the district-level task force against child labor for undertaking more frequent drives in collaborations with other departments at places like markets, shops, factories and industries and at places like MIDC to ensure minors are not engaged in any such work which can be harmful to them.
Last year, two youngsters, including a minor, had died in an accident at a catering job. The death while using a luggage lift had attracted widespread criticism and police actions too. Nandanvan police had booked the owners of the program venue along with the caterer.
Sources in the state labor commission office stated that the vacancies have left their unit depleted, posing as a major hurdle in their aim to eradicate child labour.
