Indications You should stop taking vitamin D supplements. The Times of India

Vitamin D toxicity or hypervitaminosis D is a very rare condition that indicates elevated levels of vitamin D in the body. This is usually the result of over-consumption of vitamin D supplements, which is rarely the case with sun exposure or eating foods rich in vitamin D.

According to experts, supplements should be taken only when absolutely necessary. People living in extremely cold climates who do not have access to sunlight are advised to take vitamin D supplements. Ideally, your foods can also be a great source of essential nutrients, but sometimes, you may need an extra dose of the sunshine vitamin, which is fine.

However, what is surprising to everyone is that too much vitamin D in the body can cause many health problems. You should stop taking any more supplements before it becomes more complicated. That said, here are some signs that may tell you that you need to wean off your supplement.
