India’s staunch reply to China on blocking Pakistan’s Sajjid as global terrorist: ‘Genuine political will…’

Prakash Gupta, Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, United Nations
Image source: AP Prakash Gupta, Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, United Nations

A day after China blocked a resolution moved by India and the United States at the United Nations to designate Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist Sajid Mir, an accused in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, as a global terrorist, China Has reiterated his point again. Stand at the United Nations where the Indian official underlined that the world will not overcome the challenge of terrorism if countries deliberately oppose resolutions.

“…if we cannot establish banned terrorists in global scenarios listed under the structure of the Security Council to advance geopolitical interests, then we really have no real political will to honestly fight this challenge of terrorism.” Will is not required…”, Prakash Gupta, Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs on China blocking India and US resolutions at the United Nations.

Notably, the proposal was designed by the US and co-designated by India under which he would have been declared a global terrorist and his assets would have been confiscated along with a travel ban and arms embargo. In September last year, it was learned that China had blocked a proposal to nominate Mir to the United Nations. Beijing has now blocked the proposal.

“We have been fighting terrorism for decades – be it the 2008 Mumbai attack, Pulwama attack or Uri attack. We lost several thousand civilians as well as the bravest men of our armed forces in this fight against terrorism When we talk about terrorism it means we are actually telling the real experience on daily basis.”

Who is Sajid Mir?

Mir, believed to be in his mid-40s, is one of India’s most wanted terrorists and carried a $5 million bounty on his head by the US for his role in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks Is. In June last year, an anti-terrorism court in Pakistan jailed Mir for over 15 years in a terror-financing case. Pakistani officials have claimed in the past that Mir had died, but Western countries remained unconvinced and sought proof of his death. The issue became a major stumbling block in the FATF’s assessment of Pakistan’s progress on the action plan late last year.

Mir is a senior member of the Pakistan-based LeT and is wanted for his involvement in the November 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. The US State Department has stated, “Mir was LeT’s operational manager for the attacks, playing a leading role in their planning, preparation and execution.”

This is not the first time China has blocked India’s move

Beijing, an all-weather friend of Islamabad, has repeatedly balked at listing Pakistan-based terrorists under the UN Security Council’s Sanctions Committee to blacklist them. The US State Department had said that Mir has been a senior LeT member since around 2001.

From 2006 to 2011, Mir was in charge of LeT’s external operations and planned and directed various terrorist attacks on behalf of the group. Additionally, Meir orchestrated a terrorist attack against a newspaper and its employees in Denmark between 2008 and 2009. For his role in the Mumbai attacks, Mir was indicted in the United States in April 2011.

In August 2012, the US Treasury Department designated Mir as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist. As a result of this designation, among other consequences, all property and interests in property of Mir that are subject to US jurisdiction are blocked, and US persons are generally prohibited from engaging in any transactions with Mir. goes. According to the information given on the State Department website, “Mir is on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist List.”

ALSO READ: China blocks India, US resolution at UN to blacklist 26/11 accused Lashkar terrorist Sajid Mir

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