India’s stand on Russia-Ukraine tension: Air India’s special flight leaves for Ukraine, India said in UN – our 20 thousand citizens there, their safety is the priority

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Russia has declared two provinces of Ukraine as independent countries. India has expressed concern over this move of Russia. TS Tirumurti, India’s representative at the United Nations Security Council, said that there are more than 20,000 Indians living in Ukraine and its border areas, including students. Tirumurti said that the safety of these Indians is our priority.

Meanwhile, Air India’s special flight has been dispatched to Ukraine on Tuesday morning. According to news agency ANI, Air India flight Dreamliner B-787 has been sent to Ukraine and has a capacity of 200 passengers. This flight will return to India on Tuesday night itself. Tension between Russia and Ukraine India had already announced special flights to bring back its citizens from there. Apart from February 22, these flights will be operated on February 24 and 26.

India appeals to both sides to exercise restraint
India’s stand at UN on Russia-Ukraine tension TS Tirumurti said, “Tension on the border between Ukraine and Russia is a matter of deep concern. Russia’s move in this area will undermine peace and security. We call on both sides to exercise restraint.” We appeal. We believe that this issue can be resolved only and only through diplomatic dialogues. Whatever steps have been taken to defuse the tension, we will have to give some time to them.”

“All sides must maintain international security and peace. This tension must be resolved at the earliest, which is acceptable to all parties. Diplomatic efforts must be stepped up immediately,” he said.

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