India’s New 3-Dose COVID Vaccine for 12-Plus: What You Need to Know India News – Times of India

New Delhi: India is all set to launch the world’s first DNA based covid Vaccines that will be given to children over the age of 12 as well as adults.
zydus Cadila developed by India ZyCoV-D Regulatory approval for emergency use was received on Friday and the company is planning a commercial rollout in mid-September. This will be the fourth COVID vaccine available for widespread use in India after Covishield, Covaxin and Sputnik V. In total, six vaccines have been approved for use in India.
Know here important things about India’s new anti-covid shot …
* Unlike every other vaccine in use, ZyCoV-D will consist of a 3-dose regimen with a time interval of 28 days between each shot. All other anti-Covid shots in India are two-dose vaccines.
* The Zydus shot will be given using a needle-free applicator instead of a syringe. This is being done to help reduce side effects.
* Interim results of Phase III showed that the primary efficacy of ZyCoV-D is 66.6%. The company separately said that the vaccine is 66% effective against the delta variant, with higher antibody levels in the age groups of 12 years and 18 years.
* Cadila is expected to supply around 5 crore doses by December this year. The company said it plans to increase production of the vaccine to 10 million doses per month with the help of a new production plant from October this year.
* The vaccine can be stored at 25 °C for up to 3 months.
* The price of the vaccine is not yet known and it is expected to be finalized by next week.
* DNA and RNA based vaccines. What are they? The vaccine uses a portion of the genetic material from the virus to give instructions in the form of DNA or RNA to make specific proteins that the immune system recognizes and responds to.
The “plug-and-play” technology on which the plasmic DNA platform is based can be readily adapted to combat mutations.
US-based Moderna and both pfizer There are mRNA vaccines. Covishield is a viral vector shot that uses a modified, harmless virus to instruct the immune system while Covaxin uses an inactivated strain of the actual virus.
(with inputs from agencies)


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