India’s 26 Achievements Over the Years & Our Hopes for Change Ft. ‘Bharat’ Kumar

2005: Right to Information Act came into force.

Our Hope: Respect for the law.

2009: Right to Education Act introduced.

Our Hope: End of child labour.

2014: India becomes the first and only country to reach Mars in its first attempt with the Mangalyaan mission.

Our Hope: Launch of India’s first crewed spaceflight.

2015: Smart City scheme in many states.

Our Hope: Every city in the country becomes a Smart City.

2017: GST launched in the country.

Our Hope: Mechanism for transparency in the law.

2018: SC reads down Section 377, under which, homosexual relationships were an offense.

Our Hope: Freedom to love whoever we want, no matter the gender, caste, religion, or culture.

2022: 162 crore doses of COVID vaccines have been administered.

Our Hope: Booster doses for everyone!
And of course, bye-bye to COVID!
