Indian Students Aspiring To Study In Australia Could Be Impacted By Its Student Visa Fee Hike: Report – News18

University students walk on the campus of University of Sydney following a graduation ceremony in Sydney, Australia. (Image: Reuters/Representative)

University students walk on the campus of University of Sydney following a graduation ceremony in Sydney, Australia. (Image: Reuters/Representative)

The Australian government’s move to curb migration will impact Indians who are the second largest group of foreign students in Australia.

Indian students, who make up the second largest group of foreign students in Australia, will likely be impacted by the new rules brought forth by the Australian government with respect to international student visas, the Hindustan Times said in a report.

Australia doubled the fee for international student visas from AU$710 to AU$1,600. The move is aimed at curbing migration and the practice of ‘visa hopping’ which closes the loopholes that allow students and other temporary visa holders to extend their stay in Australia continuously.

“When we came to government we inherited a migration system that was broken and dysfunctional, and an international education system which was being compromised by rorts and exploitation,” Australian minister of home affairs Clare O’Neil said in a statement.

“The changes coming into force today will help restore integrity to our international education system, and create a migration system which is fairer, smaller and better able to deliver for Australia,” she added.

She also said that the increment in fees goes on to show the “increasing value of education in Australia”.

The changes came into force from July 1. These changes will affect Indian students as it is the second largest source country for international student admissions in Australia. Between the January-September 2023 period, at least 122,391 Indian students were studying in Australia.

To address workforce shortages, the Australian government had relaxed work-hour restrictions for student visas temporarily, but this policy ended in June 2023. From July 2023, student visa holders can work no more than 48 hours every two weeks while studying.

According to the Australian government, the increase in international student visa fees will support several important initiatives, including financial aid for apprentices and their employers and the advancement of the country’s migration strategy.