Indian scientists’ group condemns Russia, urges global community to do the same India News – Times of India

BENGALURU: ‘India March for the science movement, a group of scientists and Science Activists condemned Russia’s invasion on Thursday Ukraine and opposed Russian threats to use nuclear weapons.
“…We, the scientists and science activists associated with the ‘India March for Science’, condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a sovereign nation. should have been resolved peacefully through dialogue,” the scientists said in a written statement.
stating that there has already been a great loss of life and property, and Ukrainian People are subjected to misery, uncertainty and all the dire consequences of war, he said, adding that Ukraine has become the playground of competing military powers.
“We strongly urge that the military offensive must stop immediately and that Russian troops should be withdrawn from Ukrainian territory. All retaliatory provocations by the US and nato Countries should also end. It is up to the people of Ukraine to decide their political future without interference or pressure from outside forces.”
The statement comes close on the heels of an open letter from a group of Russian scientists who, among other things, strongly opposed the launched hostilities against the Ukrainian people, undermining the foundations of the established system of international security. Causing heavy human damage.
“We respect the Ukrainian state, which rests on the ideals of a democratic institution. We sympathize with Ukraine’s orientation The European Union, We believe that all problems in relations between our countries could have been resolved peacefully, ”the Russian scientists said in their letter.
The scientists of the India March for Science said that they wholeheartedly support the open letter issued by Russian scientists and science journalists, saying it is heartening that the people of Russia are protesting “this heinous act of their ruling class”. were appearing in large numbers. country, realizing that this war of aggression has nothing to do with the interest of the common people of Russia. ,
Indian scientists said that the people of both Russia and Ukraine had experienced the horrors of war when they fought together and defeated the aggression of Nazi Germany in the Second War. world War,
“We also strongly oppose the latest threat of the use of nuclear weapons issued by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, We request the scientific community from all over the world to unite to stand for peace and to form a movement to ensure that science and technology is used only for the advancement of society and not for destructive purposes To serve vested interests,” the statement of the Indian scientists added. ,