Indian-origin Maoist sect leader found guilty of rape, followers imprisoned – Henry Club

Aravindan Balakrishnan, who introduced himself as Kom Bala, was jailed for 23 years in 2016 after he was found guilty of sexually assaulting and detaining his daughter for 30 years. Balakrishnan sexually abused many women and made them believe that he had god-like powers sky News report good.

In 1975, Kerala-born Balakrishnan moved from Singapore to South London, where he founded a secret Maoist commune called the ‘Workers’ Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought’. The prison service said he died in custody at HMP Dartmoor Prison in Princetown.

During her trial, jurors heard that she had raped two of her followers. He was also said to have bullied his followers into believing that he could read their minds and that a supernatural force named Jackie would cause natural disasters if his orders were disobeyed. BBC Reported.

His daughter, Katie Morgan-Davis, who remained anonymous until recently, previously described her experience at her father’s home as “horrible, so dehumanizing and humiliating”. “I felt like a bird in a cage with wings,” she said BBC,

While imprisoned in his father’s home, he was beaten, and banned from singing nursery rhymes, going to school, or making friends. As a teenager, he learned that his biological mother was one of his father’s followers.

She managed to escape her father’s cult in 2013, and has since moved to Leeds to further her education.

Balakrishnan faced 16 charges including rape, sexual assault and assault of two women, and wrongful confinement and child cruelty in relation to his daughter.

During the hearing, he denied all the allegations against him. He claimed that he was the “center of competition” between “jealous” women who made sexual advances at him.