Indian Army begins ‘Bijoy Cultural Festival’ in Kolkata. Kolkata News – Times of India

Kolkata: Four day cultural program titled ‘bijoya culture ‘Festival’ launched on Sunday to showcase the cultural ties between India and India Bangladesh During the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971 and brought out various stories of valor of Indian Army Soldiers and Mukti Jodha in a historical battle.
Organized by Indian Army Eastern Command Events in Kolkata include concerts, film screenings, a theater play by eminent Bengali musicians

Ikhattar ki ladai – ek vijay gatha

and a fusion band (an amalgamation of army pipe, brass and jazz bands) performing Rabindra Sadan and Nandan Convention Centre.
The program is part of ‘Golden’ Vijay VarshCelebration of 50 years of Bangladesh Liberation War. Eastern Command Army Commander Lt Gen Manoj Pandey inaugurated the program at Rabindra Sadan in the presence of Veer Naris and war veterans.
