India witnessed a lot of changes in last 8 years under NDA rule: S Jaishankar

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar
Image Source: PTI External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar


  • India has seen a lot of changes in the last eight years under the NDA rule.
  • Jaishankar while interacting with the youth in New Delhi said
  • The India he saw in his youth was very different from what the youth of today experience

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Sunday said that India has seen a lot of changes under the NDA regime in the last eight years and the difference was evident in several areas, including digital connectivity and health care.

Interacting with the youth in the state capital here, Jaishankar said the India he saw in his youth was very different from the experience of today’s youth.

“Even if there was something like COVID-19 10 or 15 years ago, we would wait for what the world is doing and wait our turn for vaccinations and medicines. But today we are among the large countries that have the highest vaccination rates. We have made our own vaccines.

We are one of the few countries which have CoWIN app which helps everyone to get immunization and digital certificate,” the minister said.

The senior minister said that India today is capable of meeting the challenges and finding solutions.

He said, “The thing is that your India is very different from the India of my youth. Today we are able to see the challenges and find solutions.”

The bureaucrat-turned-politician said that India has witnessed major changes in the last eight years and added that people have found homes, girls are going to school in large numbers.

“There have been big changes in the last eight years. People have got homes, people have got health coverage, people have got digital connectivity.
Girls are going to school in large numbers. In fact, more girls are staying in schools than ever before. People getting trained in the skill set. Even during COVID, we ensured that no one goes hungry. That no one was short of money for essentials,” Jaishankar said.

He reached the state in the morning and is about to visit the famous Padmanabha Swamy temple in the city.

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