India was staying neutral, so, Pak…’: Imran Khan on Ukraine war

Earlier, Khan described General Bajwa, who retired in November last year, as a “super-king” and said his three-and-a-half-year tenure in the Prime Minister’s Office was like a “puppet”.




Updated: Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 6:41 [IST]

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Lahore, 14 February.
Pakistan’s ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan has claimed that former army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa wanted him to condemn Russia for invading Ukraine, but the then prime minister did not oblige him, citing the example of India.

Imran Khan

“On his return from a trip to Russia (being prime minister a year ago), General Bajwa asked me to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I told him that India, a strategic ally of the US, should remain neutral. Has been. Therefore, Pakistan should remain.” neutral,” Khan said while speaking to students and religious scholars on Monday.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief said that after his refusal, General Bajwa himself had condemned Russia in a security seminar to please the US.

The 70-year-old Khan, who was ousted from power through a no-confidence motion in April last year, justified his visit to Russia saying, “I went to Russia and convinced President Vladimir Putin to give wheat and fuel to Pakistan at subsidized rates.” as supplies to India. With Russia’s support, India reduced its inflation from 7.5 percent to 5.5 percent, but Pakistan’s inflation rate rose from 12 percent to 30 percent. Mr Khan’s first official visit to Moscow sparked controversy back home as it took place on the day President Putin ordered a “special military operation” against Ukraine.

Cricketer-turned-politician Bajwa said that to please America, Bajwa wanted him to condemn Putin. “But I put the interest of Pakistan above,” he said.

Khan also held the “key player” General Bajwa responsible for the conspiracy, which resulted in his ouster from power. “Bajwa is the source of all the troubles plaguing Pakistan today,” he said.

Earlier, Khan described General Bajwa, who retired in November last year, as a “super-king” and said his three-and-a-half-year tenure in the Prime Minister’s Office was like a “puppet”.

He said, “General Bajwa had become an expert in everything including economy, politics and foreign policy. Bajwa used to get credit for good decisions and Khan used to act as a punching bag for every wrong decision.”