India vs England, 3rd Test: Sunil Gavaskar, Nasser Hussain indulge in heated debate ahead of toss

New Delhi: At a time when the debate and discussion is fresh about the heated debate on and off the field between Indian and England players, the India vs England third Test started after cricketer-turned-commentator-turned-commentator Nasser Hussain and Sunil Gavaskar made a hot debut. Argument during pre-match show

Things turned a bit fast ahead of the Ind vs Eng 3rd Test toss when Gavaskar asked Hussain in his article in the Daily Mail to elaborate on a sentence he wrote about the Virat Kohli-led Indian team not being bullied like previous generations asked to tell.

“You said that this India will probably not be threatened like previous generations. (I) As for the previous generation, can you perhaps explain to which generation? And what is the true meaning of bullying?” Gavaskar asked Hussain.

“I think, under the aggression of the past the Indian side would have said ‘no no, no’. But what Kohli has done is to make them doubly difficult. I saw a little bit in Sourav Ganguly’s side and he started Ki, Virat continues it. Even when Virat wasn’t there, Ajinkya had really hit the Aussies hard. I don’t think you want to wake up this Indian side,” said Hussain responded to.

“But when you say that previous generations were bullied, I don’t think so. If my generation is being told that I am being bullied then I will be very sad. Looking at the record, in 1971 we won Well, that was my first tour of England. 1974, we had internal problems so we lost 3-0. 1979, we lost 1-0, could have been 1-1 chasing 438 at the Oval. 1982 We lost again 1-0. Had we won 2-0 in 1986, we could have won it 3-0. So, I don’t think my generation was bullied on us. I don’t think that’s the point of aggression. Means you always have to face the opposition. You can show passion, you can show your commitment to your team, without shouting after a wicket falls,” Gavaskar said.

“I for one, quite like the way Kohli leads this side. That’s what I wanted to say. The team talks in which he said ‘let’s set fire to this English side’ and you can see the fire they spread,” said Hussain, still dodging Gavaskar’s question.

“There is no logic in this. The question is saying that previous generations were bullied. I don’t think it is right,” Gavaskar said.


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