India slips from 94 to 101 in Global Hunger Index, even behind Nepal and Pakistan: Report

Global Hunger Index News: India has slipped to the 101st position in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2021. 116 countries from around the world are listed in the ranking.

In the Global Hunger Index, India lags behind its neighbors Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. The website of the Global Hunger Index, which tracks hunger and malnutrition, said on Thursday that eighteen countries, including China, Brazil and Kuwait, shared the top spot with GHI scores of less than five.

The report, jointly prepared by Irish-based aid agency Concern Worldwide and German organization Welt Hunger Hilfe, has described the level of hunger in India as ‘alarming’.

Afghanistan is the only Asian country after India in this list. see full list to click Here.

In the year 2020, India was ranked 94th out of 107 countries. Now it has come down to 101st place out of 116 countries.

GHI score also dropped

India’s GHI score has also dropped. It was 38.8 in the year 2000, which remained between 28.8 – 27.5 between 2012 and 2021. The GHI score is calculated on four indicators, which include undernourishment, malnutrition, child growth rate and child mortality.

According to the report, neighboring countries like Nepal (76th), Bangladesh (76th), Myanmar (71st) and Pakistan (92nd) are also in a worrying situation due to hunger. All these countries have performed better than India in providing food to their citizens.

Despite India being one of the major agricultural and food producing countries, the numbers on the Global Hunger Index are troubling.

(with inputs from PTI)
