India, Israel, US and UAE will come together for the I2U2 summit next month; food security on the agenda

For the first time ever, the leaders of India, Israel, the US and the United Arab Emirates will hold a virtual dialogue around US President Joe Biden’s visit to the Middle East next month.

The first virtual meeting of Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed will take place during Biden’s visit to the region from July 13-16, with stopovers from Israel, the West Bank and the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arab.

Sharing details of the visit, a senior US administration official said: “The summit, called I2U2, will discuss the food security crisis and other areas of cooperation in the hemisphere where the United Arab Emirates and Israel serve as important innovation hubs. “

The first virtual meeting of Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed will take place during Biden's visit to the region from July 13-16.  (News18)
The first virtual meeting of Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed will take place during Biden’s visit to the region from July 13-16. (News18)

The meeting assumes significance in the wake of the continuing Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has also disturbed the global food supply chain, causing concern around the world. The conflict has contributed to a significant rise in global crude oil prices, adding to inflationary pressures in economies around the world.

The US official said the US President’s visit “will focus on Israel’s growing integration in the region through the Abrahamic Agreement with the United Arab Emirates, Morocco and Bahrain; through deepening ties between Israel, Jordan and Egypt.” ; and an entirely new group of partners – including Israel, India, the United Arab Emirates and the United States – which we call I2U2.

Although this will be the first summit-level meeting of I2U2, the group had previously met at the level of foreign ministers in October 2021. The meeting took place during the visit of External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to Israel last year. Jaishankar was joined virtually by UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, while Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid was personally present during the meeting. The ministers discussed trade, climate and maritime security issues.

as India As the alliance becomes part of another group of nations with interests, the summit will also underline the country’s growing influence in the West Asia region.

PM Modi has been successful in forging a deep strategic alliance between the Gulf countries over the years. India has significant trade with GCC countries and is the recipient of the largest remittances from this region alone. Moreover, the growing economy and changing geopolitical regime have pushed India to forge deeper alliances in the Gulf to secure its long-term energy interests.

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