India does not need any validation from outside agencies on the working of democracy: VP Naidu India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Friday said the functioning of democracy in the country is in line with the constitutional principles of ensuring equal rights and justice for all citizens and does not require recognition from any outside agency.
He made this claim while releasing the English and Hindi versions of a book titled “Loktantra, Politics and Governance” written by a senior journalist. A Surya Prakash, who is the Deputy Chairman of the Executive Council of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library and a prominent commentator on parliamentary and constitutional issues.
The Vice President said that India is the most secular country in the world, while there is a trend in Western media to demean India and its government on the issues of secularism and freedom of the press.
“We are seeing a tendency, especially in the western media, to bring down India and the government. They paint India in a bad light. They are unable to digest the fact that India is moving forward India is being recognized and respected. Once again across the world. They try to portray India in a negative sense. They do not digest our superiority,” he said.
Naidu stressed that being an Indian citizen follows the spirit and philosophy of the Constitution, which aims at promoting fraternity equally among all citizens.
“They (Western media) tear our country down on the issue of freedom of expression, freedom of the press and secularism. According to my own study, India is the most secular country in the world. Here, irrespective of their gender, caste, creed or Religion is respected by all people, apart from a few examples here and there. Secularism is in the blood, veins and veins of Indians irrespective of the government,” he said.
Naidu said that “Sarva Dharma Sambhav” (respecting all religions) is an age-old practice in India and “Sarva Jana Sukhino Bhavantu”, “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, “Share and Care” are at the core of Indian philosophy.
“We are the largest parliamentary democracy. Our system has been a democracy for centuries. We believe in peaceful coexistence. There is so much freedom of speech that anyone can attack the prime minister. I don’t think there is any parallel to it. Yes,” she said.
Talking about the role of the media, the Vice President stressed the need for extensive research by journalists and to “set aside news and views”.
He said journalists and commentators should be impressed with “passion, purpose, perspective and perseverance”.
Naidu’s defense of India’s democracy comes in the backdrop of recent adverse reports on its functioning by some Western agencies.
He commended Prakash for coming out with effective evidence-based counter-narratives in this regard and promoting the cause through his writings over the past 30 years.
The Vice President also praised Prakash for his long career spanning 50 years in the media and upholding these norms as a commentator.
Union ministers Prahlad Joshi, Anurag Thakur, Arjun Ram Meghwal, Rajiv Chandrashekhar and Tughlaq editor S. Gurumurthy, were present on the occasion. PTI AG rc
