India, Australia discuss ‘common concerns’ over the spread of terrorism from Afghanistan

New Delhi: India and Australia on Saturday discussed their “common concerns” related to the delicate security situation in Afghanistan and the possible spread of terrorism from the Taliban-ruled nation.

The situation in the aftermath of the occupation of Afghanistan by the Taliban was revealed in the deliberations during the 2+2 ministerial talks here.

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External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and Defense Minister Rajath Singh held ‘two-plus-two’ talks with their Australian counterparts Maris Payne and Peter Dutton.

Jaishankar described the in-person interaction as “productive”.

“Helpful 2+2 meeting with Australia today,” he tweeted.

“The developments in Afghanistan will be an important topic of discussion between us today,” the foreign minister said in his inaugural address.

“Certainly this meeting gives us an opportunity to review and advance the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership as we prepare for another meeting between our prime ministers in the United States later this month,” he said.

Jaishankar further said that the meeting “comes at a very important time, when along with a pandemic we have a geopolitical environment which is in rapid flux and we have to go bilaterally and with other like-minded partners.” should respond adequately to the security of our national interests as well as to ensure a peaceful, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.”

Jaishankar met Australian Foreign Minister Payne a day before the two-plus-two talks, while Singh held extensive discussions with his Australian counterpart Dutton on Friday.

The foreign and defense ministerial talks came amid renewed efforts by the Quad member states to enhance cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.

Apart from India and Australia, the quad includes the United States and Japan. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to travel to the US later this month to attend a summit of Quad leaders.

The Australian Foreign Minister said earlier on Friday at an event organized by the Observer Research Organization that the Quad has developed “rapidly” and very “effectively” and lauded India for playing a strong leadership role in the region. .

Talking about the “significant challenges” facing the Indo-Pacific, Payne said Australia seeks a region where the rights of countries large and small are respected and no “single dominant power”. does not determine the outcome for others, PTI reported.

India has such a framework for dialogue with very few countries including the United States and Japan.

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Earlier in June last year, India and Australia extended their ties to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and agreed to mutual access to military bases for logistical support during an online summit between Prime Minister Modi and his Australian counterpart Scott Morrison. Historical agreement signed.
