IND vs SA: Indian players to leave South Africa when borders are closed due to rise in Covid cases

Indian cricket team’s tour of South Africa will begin with the first Test from 26th December and with the big cloud of covid-19 variant omicron, tourists guaranteed homecoming, homecoming guaranteed if borders are closed Is given. To control the spread of infection.

The series was in jeopardy when the latest version was first discovered in South Africa. However, a short tour in which the T20I was dropped from the original schedule and stringent COVID containment measures ensured that it was saved.

Several guarantees given by Cricket South Africa (CSA) to the BCCI include hospital beds in case Indian players need to be admitted for any reason.

“If an Indian player requires hospitalization for any reason, we have approached certain hospital groups, who have guaranteed us beds in hospitals,” said Shuaib Manjra, CSA’s chief medical officer.,

“If there is a need for repatriation and the borders are closed, the government has given a guarantee that they will allow the players and the team to go back to India,” he said.

The entire tour will be played behind closed doors, with Indian players not allowed to interact with the general public.

Manjra said the CSA has done everything to ensure the safety of visitors and has left the “way open” if they want to leave at any point.

“The one thing we cannot control is how the Indian government deals with it. We have DIRCO . Is [Department of International Relations and Cooperation] Talking to the Indian government, but as CSA, we don’t have control over what are the rules and regulations when players go back.”

“I think whatever measures we have taken to make sure that the Indian team is not only safe here, but should they need to leave for any reason, that at any point for them The road is open to go.” she added.

India will play three Tests and as many ODIs during their stay in South Africa.

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