Increase ration, keep white flag: MoD issues of do’s and don’ts for Indians stranded in Kharkiv, Ukraine

The Defense Ministry on Thursday evening released a list of dos and don’ts for Indians stranded in Kharkiv in war-torn Ukarin as “potentially dangerous or difficult conditions” can be expected in the city. In a statement, the ministry said that each designated group or squad of Indians should carry a white flag or white cloth to be flown.

Conserve and share food and water, suggesting that they should stay hydrated, avoid full meals and eat smaller portions to increase rations. The ministry said air strikes, strikes from aircraft or drones, missile strikes, artillery fire, small arms fire, grenade explosions are some of the “potentially dangerous or difficult situations” that “can be expected”.

In the list of to-dos, it is stated that Indians stranded in Kharkiv should carry a small kit of essential items on hand or on hand round the clock. “If you find yourself in an open area or field, melt the ice to make water,” the defense ministry said. If available, keep one large garbage bag per person to use as a ground mat or cover during exposure to rain or cold or storms or during forced marches or evacuations, it suggested. Organize yourself into small groups or squads of 10 Indian students and within that “set up a friend/pair system/designate a coordinator and a deputy coordinator in each group of ten persons”, it noted. “Your presence and whereabouts should always be known to your friend or small group coordinator,” the ministry said.

Be mentally strong and don’t panic, it said. According to the ministry, “potentially dangerous or difficult situations” that “can be expected” include Molotov cocktails (including local people or militias), building collapses, debris falls, Internet jams, power outages or lack of food or water. Is. Exposure to freezing temperatures, psychological trauma, injuries, lack of medical aid, lack of transportation, and face-to-face situations with armed fighters or military personnel.

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