Incoming IDF chief Halevi to meet with Smotrich, who wields authority in West Bank

Expected to meet incoming army chief Herzi Halevi Thursday Along with Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who was given ministerial responsibility for some aspects of the Israel Defense Forces as part of the recent coalition agreements.

In addition to being finance minister, the far-right Religious Zionism leader was appointed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a sort of junior minister in the Ministry of Defense.

According to the coalition agreements, his role, apparently subject to Netanyahu’s approval, allows him to appoint generals who head hybrid civil-military coordinators for government activities in areas overseeing civilian administration, a number of settlement issues, Is.

Currently, the major general in charge of COGAT is appointed by the Defense Minister on the recommendation of the IDF Chief of Staff, and the brigadier general overseeing civil administration is appointed by the chief of staff.

The IDF said on Thursday that Halevi, who will enter the role of IDF chief on Monday, “will meet with the finance minister as part of the process of entering the position.”

The IDF said, “The meeting is being conducted in accordance with the instructions and procedures of the Defense Minister.”

Outgoing military chief of staff Aviv Kohavi reportedly told Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Galant and other senior coalition leaders that the IDF will not be accountable Either way for additional ministers like Smotrich.

After news of a phone call between Kohavi and Netanyahu was leaked, an IDF spokesman said that the pair had agreed that “decisions involving the IDF would be made only after the IDF presented the consequences and significance of such decisions”. Will go.”

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