Income Tax raid in Bhaskar office: Trying to stop journalists from working; ‘I stand with Dainik Bhaskar’ trended on social media

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  • #IStandWithDainikBhaskar trending on Twitter; Income Tax raids in Gujarat Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh

Jaipur/Bhopal/Ahmedabad16 minutes ago

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Due to the aggressive journalism of Dainik Bhaskar, the Income Tax Department team raided the offices of Dainik Bhaskar in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra on Thursday morning. Took mobiles and laptops of night shift workers present here, due to which the work of digital news was affected for several hours.

The team of the department stopped the employees working in the night shift there. Most of the staff working in the night shift are editorial and IT related, which have nothing to do with financial transactions. There is a strong reaction in all the states regarding the raid.

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Apart from political parties, civil society, readers of Bhaskar condemned it on social media, calling it an act of suppressing the truth of the government. There was a lot of uproar in both the houses of the Parliament. After this the Parliament had to be adjourned.

Rajasthan: Income tax team stopped journalists from working like never before
Income Tax Department teams raided Dainik Bhaskar’s Jaipur office and stopped even journalists from working. Usually, IT raids only investigate departments related to financial transactions, but here, documents related to editorial content and electronic devices were obstructed in the work of journalists.

The Income Tax team disrupted Bhaskar’s news process for several hours. Journalists were not allowed inside the office.

Journalist said: This is a direct attack on the freedom of the press, which is fatal for democracy
Journalists’ organizations have reacted strongly to the Income Tax team preventing Bhaskar’s journalists from entering the office and not allowing them to go out. Journalists’ organizations have called it a direct attack on the freedom of the press.

Awadhesh, an independent journalist, said that if income tax has to be investigated, then do it in departments like finance, accounting, advertising. Preventing journalists from working where news is produced, by scouring the editorial department’s computers and documents proves that this is all done out of vendetta.

CM Gehlot’s tweet: Raid on Bhaskar is an attempt to suppress the media
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has reacted strongly to the raid on Bhaskar by tweeting. Gehlot wrote – Income tax raid on the offices of Dainik Bhaskar newspaper and Bharat Samachar news channel is an attempt to suppress the media. Modi government cannot tolerate even the slightest criticism. This is the fascist mindset of the BJP, which does not like to see the mirror of truth in a democracy. By taking such action, the Modi government wants to send a message by suppressing the media that if Godi does not become the media, then the voice will be crushed.

Madhya Pradesh: Bhaskar was at the forefront of highlighting the flaws of the government in Corona
Income tax raided the Indore and Bhopal offices of Dainik Bhaskar, the country’s reputed media group, which exposed government flaws in the second wave of Corona. The team of officers reached the office near Press Complex in Bhopal and LIG intersection in Indore late in the night by Maharashtra passing bus.

Night shift reporting team and desk staff were stopped from working from 4 am to 5 am in Bhopal. The laptops were switched off due to which the team could not do their work. The mobiles were confiscated and prevented from going out even after the morning shift was over. They were allowed out at 1 pm on Thursday.

Regarding this action, ‘I stand with Dainik Bhaskar is trending’ in the entire state and this action of the central government is being criticized. Here, there was a lot of uproar in both the houses of the Parliament. After this the Parliament had to be adjourned. In this whole matter, Bhaskar’s stand remains intact that only the will of the readers will prevail in Bhaskar. Whatever is true will be written.

Gujarat: Interrogation of journalists for one and a half hours
The Income Tax Department (IT) raided the office of the Gujarati newspaper ‘Divya Bhaskar’ on the SG Highway in Ahmedabad on Thursday morning. The IT team reached Divya Bhaskar’s office along with the police convoy at around 5 in the morning.

When the IT team raided the office, the employees of the Night Team of Digital News App were present here. The IT team had confiscated the mobiles of all the journalists of the entire team. The IT team, after questioning the digital journalists for about one and a half hours, allowed them to return to work.

No mobile phone was given to anyone till around 8 am. Apart from this, the journalists were kept in the office till 11.30 am. They were allowed to leave after noting down their names, addresses and phone numbers.

Let us tell you, there are round-the-clock employees in the office for the digital news app, which gives real-time news. After the completion of the night shift, the other team reaches the office around 9 in the morning. The IT team also seized documents and mobile phones from them. He was also interrogated for about two hours.

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