Include These 5 Essential Vitamins In Your Daily Diet To Control Hair Loss

Everyone wants to have thick, healthy hair, but your overall health condition can have an effect on your hair. Hair loss, thinning and dryness can be caused by any type of nutritional deficiency. Several factors can contribute to hair loss, including scalp issues, humidity and excessive sweating. However, if no serious medical problem is present, it can be treated simply by giving your body some essential nutrients.

Protein, iron, zinc and vitamin B12 are essential for healthy hair as they strengthen hair structure, stimulate hair growth and hydrate the scalp, resulting in shiny looking hair. According to the National Library of Medicine, deficiencies in several nutrients, such as vitamin A and vitamin E, can lead to increased hair loss.

Here are 5 vitamins you need to include in your diet to prevent hair fall or hair thinning:

1. Vitamin A

If your hair is dry, lifeless and prone to breakage with just one brush stroke, then you must include Vitamin A in your diet. Vitamin A is believed to cause your scalp to produce sebum, which seals in moisture and feeds your hair to promote growth.

Spinach, carrot, tomato, sweet potato, milk, eggs, mango, papaya and watermelon are rich in vitamin A.

2. Biotin

Thinning hair indicates weak hair, and weak hair causes you to have increased hair loss, which leads to more thinning hair. One of the best vitamins for your hair is biotin, also known as a B vitamin. When you don’t have enough biotin, less oxygen passes through your scalp because your body can’t produce enough red blood cells. As a result your scalp is not properly nourished, and you experience hair loss. Alopecia, a common problem with hair loss, can also be caused by biotin deficiency, claims a study published in the Journal of Dermatology and Therapy.

Include eggs, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, milk, cheese and yogurt in your daily diet to get enough B vitamins.

3. Vitamin C

Apart from strengthening your immune system overall, Vitamin C also controls free radicals that hinder hair growth. If you consume a diet rich in this vitamin, the antioxidants present in Vitamin C will prevent scalp problems, eliminate free radicals and reduce hair fall. Collagen is an important component of your hair’s structure, but without enough vitamin C, your body can’t produce it. To have healthy hair, you must ensure that you are getting enough Vitamin C. Citrus fruits including oranges, limes, lemons, amla and strawberries are rich sources of vitamin C.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can also cause alopecia. According to a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vitamin D aids in the development of new hair follicles, which in turn promotes new hair growth. As a result, hair starts growing again in the bald spot. Egg yolks, seafood, mushrooms, oats, soy milk and tofu are good sources of vitamin D.

5. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is high in antioxidants, which help reduce oxidative stress and hair loss. Spinach, broccoli, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, wheat germ oil, mango and kiwi are good sources of vitamin E.

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