In Tamil Nadu, more senior citizens than expected are not fully vaccinated. Coimbatore News – Times of India

CHENNAI: The share of elderly people without full Covid-19 vaccine protection in Tamil Nadu is far higher than the analysis estimated based on the Centre’s revised mid-year population tally shows.
It is a major risk factor leading to serious illness and death, after several states sought clarification on the gap in the estimated adult population, Manohar Agnani, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Revised Age Specific Population Health Secretary for TN. J Radhakrishnan.

Tamil Nadu had estimated its adult population at 6.06 crore based on the State Health Intelligence Bureau’s calculations, but the census puts it at 5.78 crore. However, this puts the number of people above 60 at 1.04 crore, which is higher than Tamil Nadu’s estimate of 86 lakh.
This pushed vaccine coverage for the vulnerable elderly population from 51% (first dose) to 42%, although the decrease pushed overall coverage for the first dose to 62% from the previous 59% (first dose). Worse, only 18% of the elderly are fully vaccinated, compared to the state average of 20%.
After the number of daily cases of the delta variant rose to 36,000 in May, the pace of vaccination picked up. “Still, about 3/5 senior citizens are deeply vulnerable,” Radhakrishnan said. Death audits from TN and across the country show that older people still account for most of the Covid-19 deaths.
Vellore-based virologist Dr T Jacob John quotes medical journals and epidemiological data from across the world to show how the increase in vaccination resulted in fewer deaths. “Senior citizens are the most vulnerable, which is why the government has given them priority in the mass vaccination campaign,” he said. “It is also important to remember that the vaccine provides the desired protection only if the person has taken a second booster dose.”
Since September 25, TN has reported 149 deaths. About 108 deaths (72%) were people over 60. More than 80% had concomitant conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Infectious disease specialist Dr Subramaniam Swaminathan said, “Although younger, unvaccinated adults make up a growing share of positive cases, the vast majority of people hospitalized and those who die from COVID-19 are those who are older and unvaccinated.”
Getting senior citizens to sign up for their first shot is a struggle. “Most people who really wanted a vaccine have already received it. Health Minister Ma Subramaniam said more people are resistant to vaccination because they are sick.
