In MP town pool money for oxygen plant amid third covid wave threat

People often come together to achieve self-reliance on things like drinking water or access to roads, but citizens in Madhya Pradesh have gone a step ahead in achieving self-sufficiency in oxygen supply which is the third COVID-19 pandemic. Amidst the danger of the wave is important.

On the initiative of a local official, residents deposited money and built an oxygen plant worth Rs 30 lakh in Raisen city of Madhya Pradesh. Once fully operational, the plant can supply oxygen 24×7 to around two dozen patients, if needed.

This initiative has been taken in Begumganj tehsil of Raisen.

Sub Divisional Magistrate Abhishek Chaurasia had recently urged people to come forward and build an oxygen plant. The appeal struck the right chord with locals who offered huge amounts of donations.

Like other areas of Madhya Pradesh, Raisen had also witnessed death and acute shortage of medical oxygen when the second wave of the covid19 virus hit the city earlier this year. Then the local people had demanded the SDM to set up an oxygen plant.

The officer later held a meeting with the local people and requested for public participation in this noble cause. The local people accepted the offer and deposited an amount of up to Rs 30 lakh, and handed it over to the officer, who soon got a plant built in the area.

To add, Rs 11 lakh was deposited by the local people in the first meeting held on the issue of the plant. The officials went ahead with the meetings and the necessary funds were raised.

Social worker Saras Jain said that it was a positive initiative of SDM and local people participated in this campaign with great enthusiasm and now we have our own oxygen plant to deal with any incident.

Block Medical Officer Dr. Sandeep Yadav said that this is probably the first oxygen plant in Madhya Pradesh which has been built with public participation. Once fully functional, it can supply oxygen to about two dozen patients at a time round the clock.

—Input Devraj Dubey

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