In Kerala, the number of ICU beds increased by 15% in a day, oxygen beds increased by 20%. India News – Times of India

with a jump daily covid cases, Kerala has seen an increase of 15% ICU Bed Occupancy and an increase of 20% oxygen-bed occupancy within a day. In form of coronavirus infection With daily record infection rates in the state, public health experts fear that this time the most vulnerable are senior citizens and people with comorbidities, who were protected during the first and second wave. Anish TS, associate professor of community medicine, said, “If the denominator is too large, even a mild version can cause serious problems. Already, there are some indications for this. Hospitalization and ICU and oxygen demands may a day grew inside.” Feather Thiruvananthapuram Medical College,
Meanwhile, the government secretariat in Thiruvananthapuram reported a major outbreak of the disease. Six staff members, including the political secretary, have tested positive at the CM’s office, while restrictions have been imposed in the jungles, devaswom and health ministers’ offices after several private staff members got infected. Around 80 employees have also tested positive. Education Minister V Shivankutty has tested positive for the second time and has been admitted to the hospital.
