In annual summer camps, Hamas trains kids to shoot guns, kidnap soldiers

The Hamas terrorist group has launched its annual summer camp for children in Gaza, which features military training for the strip’s youth.

In the “Pioneer of Salvation” camp, children wear Hamas uniforms and undergo various training exercises to prepare them to fight Israel.

This year, campers are also being trained through computer simulations in which they shoot soldiers and policemen at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Another simulator has an anti-tank missile that kids use to fire at Israeli targets.

Children are taught jihad and hatred of the “Zionist enemy”.

A training exercise saw him simulate the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier.

In previous years, children were taught to stab and stone the Israeli police to “liberate al-Aqsa”, while instructors lionized those who fell against the enemy as “martyrs”.

Hamas fought for 11 days with Israel in May, the worst outbreak of violence between the two sides in years.

Thirteen people in Israel, all of them except a civilian, were killed as rockets hit the southern part of the country. The Hamas-run health ministry has reported 250 people killed during 11 days of fighting in Gaza. Israel says the majority of those killed were fighters and that some Palestinians were killed by Hamas rockets and not by Israeli airstrikes.

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