I’m pregnant, can’t wear seat belt: Sir, girlfriend is waiting, let it go or breakup will happen, great excuse to avoid challan

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  • Sir, my girlfriend is waiting, let it go or else there will be a breakup, strange excuses given to avoid challan

New Delhi3 hours ago

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A tweet has been shared from the official account of Delhi Police. In which he has told about strange excuses to avoid deducting challans of people for breaking traffic rules. Like ‘the dog ate my driving license’, ‘I can’t wear a seatbelt because I’m pregnant’ and ‘the girlfriend is waiting’.

Strange excuses to avoid fines
In response to a tweet by Delhi Police, people have made shocking excuses. Many people who use social media believe that telling the traffic police that they have committed this crime for the first time saves them from fines. In a tweet, Delhi Police had asked people what kind of excuses they try to evade fines for violating traffic rules. Delhi Police on Friday tweeted, ‘What are the most unique excuses you have given to the traffic police to avoid fines after violating the rules?’

People of Delhi ahead in family related excuse
In response to this tweet by Delhi Police, social media users told about very creative excuses. A woman wrote, “I am pregnant, can’t wear a seat belt.” A social media user wrote, “I am giving the excuse of my friend, sir, wife is having an affair with someone, sitting in Hauz Khas Right now with that.” In this way people told about different excuses. When the news agency asked a traffic police officer about these excuses, he said that people usually make excuses related to the family when caught violating the rules.

my girlfriend is waiting, let it go
One user wrote, “Sir, my girlfriend is waiting. Let it go or breakup will happen and this method works every time.” Another person wrote on Twitter, “Sir. For the first time… leave it… next time it will not happen for sure.” Another person named Saurabh Shyamal wrote, “One day when I was caught for not wearing a helmet, I said sir, we are students, we have no money. ”

Many times people had made strange excuses during the lockdown. Read how people made excuses to avoid the police…

Sir, mother is ill, sister has passed away
When TI Tehzeeb Qazi, who took the front from the morning at Vijay Nagar intersection, stopped people and started making them sit in the bus, they started making excuses one after the other. One said that my sister has passed away. At the same time, one said that the mother is very ill. Seeing them, it did not seem that such a calamity would have come to them. When verified on this, things turned out to be false. After this, he was immediately sent to a temporary jail by putting him in a bus.

Sir, I have come to rescue my friend from the police.
During checking at Vijay Nagar intersection, a young man along with his partner reached TI. He had a copy of the collector’s order issued on Thursday evening. Showing him he said that we are free. TI asked what work your company does. On this he told BPO. It was learned in the talks that he had reached the police to get rid of the companion, who was caught by the police after coming out of the house without any reason in the morning and sent to jail. TI said that when there is a lockdown, then why did you leave the house. He also made the two young men sit.

Sir, mother is a doctor, we set up a sanitiser stall
The young man who came on a scooter with his mother was stopped by the police at Dewas Naka intersection. So the young man said sir, we set up a sanitizer stall at scheme number – 78. You have seen that mom is a doctor. You came once TI asked whether you sell sanitizer by keeping it on the roadside. No sir, don’t put it on the grocery, on the road. When TI said to go home, he said that he sells sanitizer.

Sir, sister has typhoid, going to pick her up
The police stopped four or five people sitting in a car. When he was asked where are so many people coming from. The young man said – Sir sister has got typhoid, went to get her. On this TI said that so many people had gone to get it. Will you throw the whole family into Corona?

had gone out to get the goods of worship to worship
The police told that those who are caught, they make excuses in new ways. After verifying Bako on these pretexts, he was being sent to a temporary jail. Even special people who go out in a big car, they were also leaving without any reason.

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