IIT Palakkad to Offer Cloud Computing, Cyber ​​Security Course, JEE Score Not Required

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Palakkad is offering online courses in Cyber ​​Security course and cloud computing in online mode in collaboration with Jaro Education, an edtech platform. Under this programme, professionals will receive a prestigious alumni status & PG certification. The courses will be launched on July 2, and the registration process for the same has begun. Intreated candidates can register will July 2, 2023. The professionals taking the course will have live online classes as part of their course. Interested candidates can apply at www.jaroeducation.com.

Students applying for the course must have a bachelor’s degree with knowledge in computer programming with C/Java/C++. Further, they should have up to four years of work experience.

As per the notification by the institute, the course which will have around 45 sessions given in 12 months, will be for Rs 1,10,000 with additional GST charges. The institute added that the candidates can pay the course fee in installations.

The course is aimed to fulfill the increasing demand for professionals in the field of cloud computing and cyber security, claims the edtech. Jaro Education, CEO, Ranjita Raman said, “We are excited to work with IIT Palakkad, one of the most reputed engineering institutes in the country. This collaboration underscores our dedication and commitment to developing the next generation of tech talent.”

IIT Palakkad, Dr Satyajit Das, assistant professor, Data Science, said, “IIT Palakkad is pleased to launch a new-age cloud computing course and cyber security course to help escalate professionals into innovative technology leaders in partnership with Jaro Education. We synchronize professionals with essential techniques and tools to pave their careers in the digital age.”

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