IIT Bombay Professor Gives a Glimpse of Life at IITs, Calls it ‘Blood Sucking’

It is a matter of pride for a student to get admitted to a top institute such as IIT Bombay, But what about life once you get in? Studying in such institutions requires a significant amount of effort. An assistant professor at IIT Bombay, Abhijit Majumder, recently shared a glimpse of students working hard on a Sunday night.

In Majumder’s tweet, we can see one student working on a laptop while a second person has made himself at home on a floor mattress in the lab, probably exhausted by the work.

“A bechare PhD student working under a khoon-choosing (blood sucking) guide not getting chance to go to the room even in the Sunday night and hence sleeping in the lab on the mattress of his senior. Mumbai summer and lab AC are just the excuses,” read the post.

Once the post started getting traction, people began to narrate their own stories about working hard in their studying days. A user describing her own experience commented, “The perks of working with a cool PI (principal investigator). I remember a few of our lab mates doing the same to get respite from Delhi heat.”

Another user recalled working till late in the night without much sleep.

This person thought that the IIT Bombay post highlighted the need for a student lounge with air conditioning.

The AC and cool air were a common connection among many users.

One of the users recounted his PhD experience and wrote about how spending time in the lab helped him escape from summer power bills. “I really enjoyed this during my PhD time, escape from summer power bills. We had a sleeping chair, bag and dining table with TV and sofa. My senior lives there and saved a lot on rent,” he wrote.

In response to this Majumder said, “Wowwww. That’s a luxury.”

Along with a lighthearted approach, the Twitter post emphasizes the importance of hard work and determination in order to achieve success

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