If your teen suffers from negative body image issues, do this – Times of India

The way in which an individual perceives the physicality of the self is termed as body image. The notions, opinions and issues that one associates with one’s body and physical appearance comprise body image. Depending upon the nature of these perceptions and opinions, body image can be negative or positive. If a person associates positivity, attraction and charm with their physical appearance, they are said to have a good body image whereas association of embarrassment, negativity and shame with the way one’s body/physique look is called negative body image. Unrealistic and ideal portrayals of the physical self on internet and other resources make it highly likely for people, especially impressionable age groups like teens. to develop a negative body image for it doesn’t ‘match up to the beauty standards’ of the internet and the society in general. A negative body image has multiple consequences and can lead to anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia and other eating disorders, especially in teenagers. If your child suffers from negative body image issues, you should try out the following with it.


It is important to know and understand that your perception of your child and its own perception of the self are two different things and should never be merged. However, it is equally important to realize that the teenage is a tender age in which children require equal amounts of autonomy and guidance. You should always talk to your teen about your opinions on its body and beauty in general so that it is reassured and finds you a safe space to communicate and share.

love thy self
The home is the first place that people seek for comfort. Allowing your child to come ‘home’, and making the environment of the house favorable for acceptance and love is important. Allow your teen to look into the mirror often, point out flaws and beauty markers and accept all of them as they are. This will help it accept the self; physically and completely with confidence.

Work on yourself

Contrary to what you might think, this advice is not for your teen but you. Apart from the internet, there are several places that the child gets its idea of ​​beauty from. You are one of the primary sources and in order to develop positive body image it is imperative for you to assess your idea of ​​beauty and bring about the required changes. Ensure that you do not impose your perceptions on your child.

Healthy habits

Talking to your child about the importance of leading a healthy life with a balanced lifestyle is very important. It is only in a healthy body that a healthy mind can exist. A balanced nutritious diet, regular exercise and practicing mindfulness brings about positive changes to the mental state of your teen and will make it feel good about itself and its body.
