If you see these symptoms, then there may be calcium deficiency – Learn how to get rid of it

Calcium deficiency: Calcium is essential for strengthening bones and overcoming weakness of the blood, muscle, nerve or heart. 99% of the calcium in our body is in the bones and teeth and 1% in the blood and muscles. Women are more prone to calcium deficiency than their male counterparts.

Lactating women and women above 40 years of age often suffer from calcium deficiency, so you need to take special care of your diet. Calcium tablets can be taken to overcome the deficiency but it is important to include calcium rich foods in the diet. Know the symptoms of calcium deficiency and how to overcome it.

calcium deficiency symptoms

1. Due to the lack of calcium in the body, bones become weak and pain starts.
2. You experience muscle cramps when you are deficient in calcium.
3. Due to this deficiency, your memory also starts weakening.
4. The body starts becoming numb and tingling starts in the hands and feet.
5. Menstruation becomes irregular.
6. Your teeth become weak.
7. Blood clotting also occurs due to calcium deficiency.

How much calcium does the body need?

– 500-700 mg calcium per day for older children
– 700-1,000 mg of calcium per day for youth
– 1,000-1,200 mg calcium per day for pregnant women
– 2,000 mg calcium per day for nursing women

main sources of calcium

1. To overcome the deficiency of calcium, you should include milk, broccoli and tofu in your diet. All of them are rich in calcium.
2. There is about 88 milligrams of calcium in 1 teaspoon sesame. You can consume it by adding it to your food, salad or soup.
3. Mix 1 teaspoon cumin in 1 glass of warm water and drink it after filtering the water. Calcium deficiency can be overcome by drinking this decoction 2-4 times a day.
4. By eating almonds, the deficiency of calcium in the body can be fulfilled to a great extent.
5. You can include green leafy vegetables and beans in your diet. Beans are rich in calcium and protein.
6. Non-vegetarians can consume seafood. You can eat salmon, tuna, mackerel and fish.
7. You can also overcome calcium deficiency by eating 2 oranges daily.
8. Along with calcium, the body also needs vitamin D3. It helps the body absorb calcium.

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